Investing step by step

s Fonds Plan. As flexible as life.

What goals do you have for the coming years? A new place to live? A good education for your children? Or do you finally want to put your big dreams into reality once you have retired?

With s Fonds Plan you can get closer to your ideas over an extended period of time, step by step, in small amounts. s Fonds Plan combines the traditional concept of saving with the return opportunities of securities. From EUR 50, with a fund of your choice!

With s Fonds Plan you regularly, for example once a month, invest in a fund of your choice. You automatically invest a fixed amount of money, thus buying fund shares at the respective issue price.

More favourable price due to the cost average principle

By investing a fixed amount every time, your average purchase price will be lower than for one-off purchases. The “cost average principle” is particularly beneficial for strongly fluctuating prices, as you can buy more shares when prices are low than when they are high.

More return thanks to the compound interest effect 

Your income is automatically reinvested in the fund, which means it starts working for you immediately.

Automatic value adjustment

At your discretion your payments can be raised annually by a fixed percentage or amount (in EUR). This way you offset inflation. 

You choose the investment period 

At the end of your investment you can choose whether you want to withdraw or re-invest you capital or whether you want to have it paid out as supplementary private pension.

Please note: the sale of shares at lower prices may cause losses.

Our tip for you:

If you have already built capital, you can also have your invested capital paid out regularly, e.g. monthly, through the s Fonds Plan.

For more information on our s Fonds and to learn about possible risks, please visit our fund glossary.

Funds for your s Fonds Plan

Important information:

Please find further information and documents on the respective funds by clicking the fund name in the above overview.

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